
The Two of Wands is a card of action and decision-making. It encourages the querent to trust in their own abilities and take bold steps towards their goals. Whether in love, career, or personal growth, the Two of Wands reminds us that success requires courage and determination.

Card Attributes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
UprightDecisions, travel, discovery, partnership, personal power
ReversedFew options, restlessness, fear of the unknown, sudden change

The Two of Wands is a powerful tarot card that represents the beginning of a journey or a new venture. The card depicts a man standing on a balcony, holding a wand in each hand, looking out into the distance. The man’s posture exudes confidence and determination, indicating that he is ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead.

The Two of Wands is often associated with making decisions and taking action. It suggests that the querent has a choice to make and must weigh their options carefully before moving forward. The card encourages the querent to take a bold and decisive approach, trusting in their own abilities and intuition.

In a love reading, the Two of Wands can indicate the beginning of a new relationship or the need to make a decision about an existing one. It suggests that the querent must be willing to take a risk and put themselves out there in order to find love.

In a career reading, the Two of Wands can indicate the need to take a leap of faith and pursue a new opportunity. It suggests that the querent has the skills and resources necessary to succeed, but must be willing to step outside of their comfort zone and take a chance.