
The Six of Swords is a card of transition and change. It represents the journey towards a better future, leaving behind the pain and struggles of the past. Whether in love, career, or personal growth, this card encourages the querent to embrace change and move forward with confidence and optimism.

Card Attributes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
UprightLetting go of hatred, healing, moving forward, escape
ReversedFeeling overwhelmed, slow healing, trapped

The Six of Swords tarot card depicts a small boat being rowed across a calm body of water. In the boat, there are six swords standing upright, symbolizing the challenges and difficulties that the passengers are leaving behind. The boat is being guided by a figure who appears to be a ferryman, indicating that the journey is one of transition and change.

The Six of Swords is a card of moving on from a difficult situation. It represents a journey towards a better future, leaving behind the pain and struggles of the past. This card is often associated with physical or emotional relocation, as well as mental or spiritual growth. It suggests that the querent is ready to move forward and leave behind old patterns and habits that no longer serve them.

In a love reading, the Six of Swords can indicate that a relationship is coming to an end, but that it is for the best. It suggests that the querent is ready to move on and find a healthier, more fulfilling relationship. In a career reading, the Six of Swords can indicate that the querent is ready to leave a job or career path that is no longer fulfilling, and embark on a new journey towards success and fulfillment.

In a reversed position, the Six of Swords can indicate that the querent is resisting change and is holding onto the past. It suggests that they may be stuck in a rut and unable to move forward. In this situation, the card is a reminder that change is necessary for growth and that the querent must be willing to let go of the past in order to move towards a brighter future.