
The Two of Cups is a card of harmony, balance, and connection. It suggests that positive relationships and partnerships are possible, and that emotional fulfillment is within reach. Whether in love, career, or spirituality, this card encourages the seeker to embrace their emotions and connect with others in a meaningful way.

Card Attributes
ArcanaMinor Arcana
UprightHappiness, relationships, love
ReversedArguments, strained relations, anguish

The Two of Cups tarot card is a symbol of love, connection, and partnership. It depicts two figures standing face to face, holding cups that are overflowing with water. The water represents emotions, and the overflowing cups suggest that the emotions between these two people are intense and abundant.

In a love reading, the Two of Cups represents a deep connection between two people. It can indicate the beginning of a new relationship, or the strengthening of an existing one. This card suggests that the two people involved are on the same wavelength, and that their feelings for each other are mutual and strong.

In a career reading, the Two of Cups can indicate a successful partnership or collaboration. It suggests that two people are working together harmoniously, and that their combined efforts are leading to positive results. This card can also suggest that networking and building relationships with others is key to success in the workplace.

In a spiritual reading, the Two of Cups can represent the union of the conscious and unconscious mind. It suggests that the seeker is becoming more aware of their emotions and desires, and that they are integrating these aspects of themselves into their spiritual practice.