
The Hanged Man is a powerful and transformative card that asks us to embrace the unknown and to trust in the journey. It reminds us that sometimes the greatest growth and transformation come from surrendering to the universe and letting go of our own expectations and desires.

Card Attributes
ArcanaMajor Arcana
UprightLetting go, sacrificing, pausing to reflect, uncertainty, spiritual development
ReversedDiscontentment, stagnation, negative patterns, no solution, fear of sacrifice

The Hanged Man tarot card is a powerful symbol of sacrifice, surrender, and letting go. Depicted as a man hanging upside down from a tree, with one leg crossed over the other, the Hanged Man represents a state of suspension, both physical and spiritual. This card is often associated with the element of water, which represents emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind.

In traditional tarot decks, the Hanged Man is often depicted with a halo around his head, indicating a spiritual awakening or enlightenment. This card is also associated with the planet Neptune, which represents illusion, confusion, and spiritual transcendence.

The Hanged Man is a card of sacrifice and surrender, indicating that the querent may need to let go of something in order to move forward. This could be a relationship, a job, a belief system, or even a way of life. The Hanged Man asks us to look at things from a different perspective, to see the world upside down, and to embrace the unknown.

In a love reading, the Hanged Man can indicate a need to let go of old patterns and beliefs in order to find true love. In a career reading, this card can suggest a need to take a step back and reevaluate one’s goals and priorities. In a spiritual reading, the Hanged Man can indicate a need to surrender to a higher power or to let go of ego-driven desires.