
The Devil tarot card is a powerful reminder that we are all capable of both great good and great evil. It is up to us to choose which path we will follow, and to use our primal instincts in a way that serves our highest good.

Card Attributes
ArcanaMajor Arcana
UprightMaterial focus, trapped in bondage, addictions and depression, negative thinking, betrayal
ReversedOvercoming addiction, independence, reclaiming power, detachment, freedom

The Devil tarot card is one of the most intriguing and misunderstood cards in the deck. Depicted as a horned, winged creature with a human-like body, the Devil is often associated with evil, temptation, and the darker aspects of human nature. However, the true meaning of this card is much more complex and nuanced than that.

At its core, the Devil represents the primal, instinctual forces that drive us as human beings. These forces can be both positive and negative, depending on how we choose to use them. On one hand, the Devil can represent our deepest desires, passions, and creative impulses. These are the things that make us feel alive and give us a sense of purpose in life. However, the Devil can also represent our fears, addictions, and destructive tendencies. These are the things that hold us back and keep us from reaching our full potential.

In a tarot reading, the Devil can have a variety of meanings depending on the context of the spread and the other cards that are present. In a love reading, the Devil can represent a passionate, intense relationship that is both thrilling and dangerous. It can also indicate a relationship that is based on addiction or obsession, rather than true love and connection.

In a career reading, the Devil can represent a job or career path that is exciting and fulfilling, but also comes with a high degree of risk or uncertainty. It can also indicate a job that is draining or unfulfilling, but that we feel trapped in due to financial or other obligations.